Thursday, August 27, 2009

Morning time with mommy

Every morning mommy sits in front of the computer and does school work while Evy has an amazing time sitting in her posh reclining high chair! you dont belive me see for yourself

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Information, and angel wings

So for all the friends and family following this, if you have any pictures of Evy that you would like me to add feel free to email them to me at! Your input will only make this blog better so please comment the postings and let me know what you think!

Here is a cute story just so this section isn't so boring!

Evy has a birthmark on her left side in her rib cage its not a dark birthmark its a splosh of skin with no skin pigmant. So the other day her adorable father told me that when Evy asks what the spot on her side is he is going to tell her that its where her angel wings fell off! awww

****Movie star*****

Evy's first videos

five minutes after she was born and her screama are like heaven

She is learning how to coo

Evy had a photo shoot!

Just did a mini photo shoot with Evy, ENOY! She wishes she could sit up all on her own already!

Her smiles light up the sky! She is such a happy baby and is always smiling!

She is starting to drool a lot! So now we have to put bibs on her all the time.
Daddy Loves her so so much

Wide eyed

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More special moments with Evy

Daddy hold, sometimes its the only thing that can get her to relax and only daddy can do it.
Evy in her precious hat

Evy's family, Moms side

Auntie syd never wants babies she is tired of her sisters having them ha ha ha

Kay loves Evy shes only met her once but Evy cant wait to meet her again
Auntie Megan, Evy's second best friend. Evy loves spitting up on megan and well you havent seen Megan move till Evy has spit up on her and sadly every time Evy spits up on megan she is wearing a V-neck shirt ewwwww
Grandma is estatic and loves her grandaughter so much she cant live without her
Nanna and Papa meeting Evy for the first time
Great grandma four generations
Don is the best Papa ever 
Auntie Shannon came to visit and Evy loves her and wishes she was as cutes as Owen
Mika, Jake, and Nate the boys first time seeing a BABY they were so amused
Auntie Nancy the family baby hogger!!!
Great grandpa 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Evy's family, Dads side

The love of family is lifes greatest blessing.

Here is a picture before Evy graced our lives this was christmas time when she was a little seed growing inside of me!
Part of her family includes LadyBug the family dog!
And Charlie whom we adore and is the best cat around a baby!

Heres grandma holding Evy...precious. Grandma enjoys holding Evy and getting her to smile! Grandma knows all of Evy's ticklish spots!

Billy's first time holding his neice! Billy loves talking to Evy and hanging out with her!

Here is a group picture Billy, Grandpa, Auntie Jen, Auntie Meg, Mommy and Evy, Grandma, and Grandpa. We went out to a nice dinner and Evy sat their perfect!

Here is Auntie Jen and Auntie Meg they love little Evy so much and well Evy is the luckiest girl to have two such beautifull and smart aunts, Evy wishes she could see them more often and meet their dog ducky!
Auntie Jen holding Evy!

Grandpa loves holding Evy untill she falls asleep.

Showers of gifts part 2

Here are some pictures from the amazingly fun Robles family baby shower

Yummy cake!
My mom and dad joined us that day it was their first time meeting the extended Robles family

Bryan and I opening gifts heres a diaper cake!
Reading cards enjoying the beautifull day and Susans and Tonys house

All the family gathered around

Showers of gifts part 1

As I said on an earlier post the family has supported Bryan, Evy and I so much and we appreciate it for we wouldnt be where we are without the support of the family. Below are some pictures from the baby shower held by my mom.

Here I am opening one present out of the hundreds it took me over and hour to open all the presents! Whew
Heres my mom, dad, and sister the day of my shower.
The three girls and grandma just looks estatic doesnt she!

Auntie Patty and Richard came down and surprised me so Patty could be at my shower it made my day even more special!

Here I am very preggers the day of the shower

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Here are some pictures of Evy just being Evy enjoy!